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How to Review Expenses

Once expenses are submitted, Program Managers can review them before Approving or Declining them.

To review expenses,

  1. Head to the Program Manager Hub in the navigation bar and click the Budgets tab
  1. In the Review Submitted Expenses tile, click “Review Expenses”
  1. All expenses that have been submitted but not reviewed will be in the left-hand pane with “Under Review” Status. Click on an expense to view it in the right-hand pane.
  1. To change the status of an expense, click “Update Status” in the upper right-hand corner.
  1. In the box that appears, use the drop-down box to select the new status of the expense.
  1. If the status has been Declined, provide a reasoning in the text box below the drop-down box. If it is Approved, no note is necessary.
  1. Click “Save”
  1. The expense should disappear from the left-hand review pane, leaving only expenses that have “Under Review” status.

There are two ways to review previously approved or declined expenses:

  • Via Budgets in the navigation bar:
      1. Click Budgets in the navigation bar
      1. Select the budget that the expense was submitted under
      1. In the “Spend within this budget” table, click on the expense you’d like to review
  • Via the ERG page:
      1. Head to the ERG page that the expense was submitted by
      1. Click Budget on the ERG page
      1. Under “Itemized Spend Tracker,” select the expense you’d like to review. You can use the filters above the table to identify the correct expense if helpful.
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